Balykhina Tatiana Mikhailovna
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of MANPO, MAN HSE, New York Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Laureate of Education of Russia. Russian Russian as a foreign language, Russian as a non-native language, and Russian as a foreign language are the heads of methodological schools.
For a number of years, Professor T.M. Balykhina has been heading the Doctoral specialized council D 212.203.22 at the RUDN for the defense of dissertations in the field of pedagogy, psychology, theory and methods of teaching and upbringing in the specialties 13.00.01, 13.00.02, 19.00.01; she is an active member of the doctoral specialized council on theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Russian) Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Expert Council on Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
T.M. Balykhina is the author of about 400 scientific papers, including 14 monographs, 82 textbooks, 11 textbooks and 295 articles.
Under the leadership of T.M. Balykhina, international conferences, Web internships, Weeks of Russian language and Russian Education were held in Mongolia, China, Venezuela, Mexico, Japan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Moldova; international regional Forums of Russian scientists and teachers in Vietnam, Malaysia, USA, Canada, Austria, Egypt, Turkey, Latvia, Estonia, etc.
Professor T.M. Balykhina conducts a lot of public work. Russian Russian For a number of years, she has been a member of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a member of the Presidium of the Academic Council and a member of the Academic Council of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the Commission on University Management, a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Russian Language abroad", "School of the Future", editor of the journal "Bulletin of the Russian Friendship University peoples. The series "Questions of education: Languages and specialty".
In 2012, T.M. Balykhina was awarded the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education and awarded the title "Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education", in 2010, T.M. Balykhina was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation" by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation for her great contribution to the development of science. She was awarded the A.S. medal. Pushkin (2000), Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2001), Medal for the 850th anniversary of Moscow (1997), Order of Honor (2004), Order of Friendship of Mongolia (2007), Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (2008), Certificate of Honor of the Academic Council of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (2009), Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For innovative work in the field of higher education" (2013).