Akishina Alla Aleksandrovna
Russian Russian philologist, linguist, Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor, specialist in Russian speech communication, on the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Russian Russian is currently working at the Department of the Russian Language of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, was the head of the department at the RUDN, at the Pushkin Institute of the Russian Language, at the Higher School of Professional Development in Moscow.
Author of a large number of scientific papers, textbooks and teaching aids, including: Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian phonetics", "Learning to teach", "Learning to teach children the Russian language", "The country of Russian grammar", "Grammar of feelings", "Emotions and opinions", "Dictionary of Russian gestures and facial expressions", "Russian speech etiquette", "Etiquette of Russian writing", "Etiquette Russian Russian Russian Russian history and culture: "The history of Russia in events and destinies", "Russian composers of the XIX century", textbooks on the Russian language: "Russians in Japan", "Minirus", "Elementary Russian", "Elementary communication in Russian", etc.
Area of interest:
Russian Russian speech etiquette and the Russian gestural-mimic system in comparison with similar communication systems of other peoples are focused on the study. Recently, her research has been related to the problems of text, in particular, with the concepts of hypertext and cybertext, and methodological developments are being conducted in the field of multimedia use in teaching Russian as a foreign language.